"The Kill Pit" director Steve Shill is set to direct NBC's two-hour backdoor pilot "Knight Rider," a "Transformers"-inspired redo of the 1980s series starring David Hasselhoff. Doug Liman, who is executive producing the project, had been eyed to direct it subject to availability. His feature schedule prevented him from helming the pilot, which is expected to air as a two-hour movie on NBC later this season.
Dave Andron penned the pilot script and will serve as supervising producer on "Rider." Liman and Dave Bartis are executive producing for Universal Media Studios and Dutch Oven Prods. Shill most recently directed and co-executive produced Spike TV's well-received limited series "Kill Pit." He also served as director/executive producer on the Showtime drama "The Tudors," executive produced by NBC programming chief Ben Silverman and his top lieutenant Teri Weinberg.
Source: Hollywood Reporter
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