Even though our site is called Devon LOHAN, we really don't write much about that Other Lohan- Lindsay Lohan. I guess it's because we like Lindsay Lohan and don't have much shit to talk about her. Apparently a lot of people are interesting in seeing pics of Lindsay Lohan, especially showing her breasts.
We remember when Lindsay Lohan was just a freckled Disney actress and not the firecrotch she has become. Oh well. We like her just the same.
We are only posting this because it's kinda big news now. We don't really post sexy pics of celebs here on DL, but we know some of our readers are looking for this kind of stuff.
Apparently while vacationing in the Bahamas with some dude, Lindsay Lohan was wearing a bikini and had a nipple slip.
Yep Lindsay Lohan wore a bikini to the beach ( why would any lady do that?) and some stalkerazzi caught a flash of nipple. As you can tell this looks like a huge news day here on Devonlohan.com. Hopefully later we will run into Pauly Shore at Starbucks.
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