B is for Bitchass Loser. When this story broke yesterday it was definitely some suspicious shit. Supposedly this 20 year old girl was robbed at ATM and the robber ( an Obama supporter- they are all thugs and terrorists, you know) became enraged when he saw the McCain sticker on her car. This lady was a McCain campaign worker, BTW. The Obama supporter, a scary 6'4 black man, carved a B into the bitch's face.
WTF? The first thing I thought was the lady was a liar. But, you really never know. It IS possible someone would do something like that. There are a lot of violent people out there, and well, people tend to believe a young lady who appears to have been mugged. I also thought, where is the surveillance footage?
I wakeup today and go to Drudge- Headline says "She Made it Up." Apparently her story had a lot of inconsistencies, and she finally admitted she made the whole thing up.
Guess what lady? This is NOT going to help McCain. This was a stunt by some individual with severe problems who hoped to capitalize on the uncertain fear and racist feelings that some people hold for Obama. Playing on these fears for sympathy was this young white lady who was attacked by this big scary black man. This incident does not make Obama supporters look like violent thugs. It makes mcCain supporters look like crazy white bitches that are so desperate they make shit up to play on people's fears. Pathetic losing liars.
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