So where do I start, because this one is epic... or at least the movie is epic, so epic that I'm not sure how to even put it in to words. I probably won't do my usual style of review, because I really don't want to give anything away. I just want to stress to you, rather you be a fan of Star Trek or not, that this movie is all kinds of awesome. It was the complete package, hands down. I don't have one single complaint, except that maybe there just wasn't enough Simon Pegg... but that's not even a big deal. He just took a bit to show up. This new-ish guy, Chris Pine, just solidified himself as a major movie star I think. He held up to the job and did a really superb job. He's absolutely believable as Kirk. Zach Quinto as Spock... holy shit. Zach Quinto is nuts. His Spock is nuts. I mean, in all reality, everyone in every role was fantastic. Simon Pegg was spot on Scotty, Anton Yelchin was great as Chekov, fucking John Cho was the shit as Sulu... but Karl Urban... that dude NAILED Dr. "Bones" McCoy. I mean.. every nuance and maneurism was SPOT ON. It was a lot of fun to watch! Eric Bana is pretty one dimensional, and his Nero isn't that dynamic, but he's a decent enough villain with a decent enough reason to be. Not many chicks in the movie, just Uhura, who doesn't serve too much of a purpose for the most part, she's here and there, but didn't feel all that integral to me. Her stuff with Spock could be I suppose. Solid cast though, hopefully they're all back for any sequels that will surely get made.

Saw the movie in IMAX, and I can't imagine seeing it any other way. You could literally feel the warp drive scenes, so suffice to say it was intense. The plot is really strong and consistent. I can't complain at all about any kind of continuity issues or plot holes. It's all done so masterfully, it's kind of funny to think that these are the same guys working on LOST and Fringe.
Maybe tomorrow I'll get up a full review, but I don't know that I can say much else other than this movie is a MUST SEE event for everyone, not just the Trekkies. I can't wait to see it again!
How could you not mention that the classic one liners are all there? As well as the "red shirts" do you even know what the "red shirts" are? This review just seems like you read a bunch of other reviews and are repeating the same things they said.
ReplyDeleteYeah how could you not mention the Doomed Red Shirts? That shit had me markin out big time.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a good review and appreciated that nothing was spoiled.
ReplyDeleteWow dude.
ReplyDeleteI asked about the fuckin red shirts. You throw such a fit that you immediatley rush over, and for the 47th time, delete me from your MySpace. You are such a god damn girl its unbelievable.
I don't see anything wrong with what Random Villain said. I agree I loved seeing the return of the red shirt. Why would you fly off the handle over something like that? Was your Trek knowledge called into question or something? Why are you always throwing hissy fits? If you really love Trek the way you say you do, maybe you should just talk about the nod to Wrath Of Kahn that showed up in this new film. You act like you're 16.
ReplyDeleteHe stopped being my friend on facebook too that mother fucker. Just for that Im not gonna follow you on TWITTER ANYMORE!! FUCKER!
ReplyDeleteI'd actually already blocked you on Twitter anyhow.
ReplyDeleteThis wasn't about this review, it's about you. You never change. You switch on and off like some sociopath internet asshole. So I'm cutting ties once and for all. If you start posting flame posts on the blog, then I'm gone for good and shit can slow right back down here.
I think you are both fags. But maybe Devon a little more faggy than Random Villain seems to be. Because there really was no personal attack by Random Villain to begin with. It just seems like Devon was having another one of those days and he went crazy.
ReplyDeleteRight? I asked about something he didn't mention and he lost his friggin mind over it. Oh well.
ReplyDelete::Stays tuned for the barrage of Pro Devon Anonnymous And Random Named Person Comments that are sure to come::