The story was unique, and many fans were hooked right away. Of course you had "good" and "bad" vampires, with the characters of Bill and Eric being the main power struggle in their town of Bon Temps at the time. Along the way we found out the main character "Sookie" (Anna Paquin) had some unidentified special powers as well, which added some intrigue. The show also had some good side stories and characters, was heavy on sex and nudity, and had plenty of twists and turns that made for one of the most talked about new shows that quickly developed a loyal fan base that has grown and grown.

It's come to the point where there is SO much going on it's a task to keep up with who is on who's side, who is from who's past, who is dead and who is alive - and trying to remember what season the dead who come back are from etc. I realize the whole story is based on the books by Charlaine Harris, so most of these things happened at some point in the original story, but the pace seems pretty frantic on the show. Keep in mind we also get treated to regular flashbacks from hundreds of years ago explaining different characters origins, so it's a lot to digest.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the show but I'm asking if the show has given us so much that soon it will come to a "what else can we do?" point. Maybe it's because they know the actors will age over time and they know they have to wrap things up before that happens to protect the
vampire image. If not for that factor, the show could be drawn out and these stories told at a pace that would make everything more impactful.
So what do you think? Is True Blood just too "out there" now with all the crazyness? Or are you happy with how the show is evolved and will be fulfilled if the show only goes for a couple more seasons?
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