Not much to say that hasn't been said and won't be said thousands and millions of times all over twitter right now. The guy changed everything. Every phone that comes out now tries everything it can to replicate the iPhone. But one thing many don't realize, Steve Jobs also helped bring us all something that we love at least once a year. Pixar films. He was executive producer on the first Toy Story and remained one of the largest share holders of Disney. So when you thank him for all the great gadgets he brought us, remember to thank him for helping bring to life one of the best movie studios that exists today.
"Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?" - Steve Job to John Sculley who was then the Pepsi CEO.
I just now stopped crying about this. I really dont know if my life will be the same without this man giving us his gifts.