Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year from Devon Lohan.com!!

Mike Huckabee is at it AGAIN!
I feel sorry for you, Mike Huckabee.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Is Osama Bin Laden dead?
Bhutto mentions the murder of Osama Bin Laden without batting an eye, completely unaware of the fact that she just slaughtered the Bush Regime's idea behind the continuing war in Iraq. The British telejournalist doesn't even notice, as clearly to the rest of the world this is FACT.
Now do you trust the government?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The next Will Smith action movie: Hancock Trailer

IMDB.com has the movie plotline as: A hard-living superhero (Will Smith) who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife (Charlize Theron) of the public relations professional (Jason Bateman) who's trying to repair his image.
Looks pretty cool to me, check it out.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Devon Lohans Blanket
Well, here it is folks!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Random Villains Top 10 Movies Of 07
# 10 Disturbia
I was against this movie when I saw trailers for it. Rear Window is my 2nd favorite movie of all time. And all this seemed to be was a rip off of it. Well I saw a few interviews with it, and the film makers at least admited to Rear Window being a huge influence for this one, so they admit to ripping off Rear Window. Then I see Steven Speilberg was involved in it so thats always a plus. As well as me being a fan of Shia Lebouf. So when it came to DVD I said fuck it, and put it in and watched. I was not let down. This was a really good popcorn thriller that I had been craving to see. It had a few scares here and there. And I had a good time watching it.
# 9 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
Not many people dug this movie. I loved it. I think the reason why so many were against it is SPOILER WARNING it didn't have the typical happy Disney ending. It had a dark ending. It was a dark movie. And it perfectly answered all questions, closed up all storylines and was a perfect ending to a trilogy, all while leaving the door wide open for a whole new trilogy to take place, which I hope happens.
# 8 Ratatouille
I didn't like Finding Nemo too much. And Cars was a little eh to me. Nothing has come close to the awesomeness of Toy Story of The Incredibles. But this came damn close. At first in the commercials I was kinda iffy on it, so I waited for DVD to come along before I watched it. And I loved it. And watching a Pixar movie on Blu Ray is an experience all its own.
# 7 Grindhouse
Most people liked Planet Terror over Death Proof. As for me, Death Proof was the superior movie. It seemed like Quentin really GOT what Grindhouse is, while Rodriguez just made a typical Rodriguez action movie with horror thrown into the mix. But they accomplished what they set out to do, which was make an awesome B movie double feature night for true fans. And I was entertained for the full 3 and a half hours.
# 6 300
This by far, had the greatest movie trailer in recent memory for it. No other movie trailer would make me want to run out of the room pick up a stick or chair and beat someones ass with it then hit the gym for 48 hours and grow a big beard and just yell all the time. I had a feeling this had the damn goods to be Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Well that was all from seeing the trailer. Then I saw the actual movie and realized it wouldn't happen. It was just a simple bad ass mother fuckers kickin the shit outta things that are bad movie. And there is nothing wrong with that at all.
# 5 Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead was my favorite movie of 2004. So I was really pumped and ready for this bad boy to come out. And I was not let down at all. Edgar Wright can do no wrong in my eyes. Hot Fuzz is brilliant. A horror movie, thrown into an action movie, while at the same time spoofing action movies, while at the same time having a serious storyline to it.
# 4 Superbad
This is a comedy. People that put out shitfests like, Grandmas Boy, Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Shitty Movie, Whatever Movie need to take some notes on how real comedies are written and performed. This is one of those rare comedies that comes out that after viewing for the 10th time, it will still hold up and be just as funny.
# 3 Knocked Up
Took me a bit to try and figure out which was better, Superbad or Knocked Up. That was the argument of 07. Well Im going with Knocked Up. I love me a smarty, witty, funny comedy that is just about life. It was sweet while raunchy. It was how life is and how people act and talk. Judd Apatow can make awesome things happen when he is directing what he has written. And I hope more comes soon.
# 2 Transformers
I was a hardcore Transformers fan as a child. I had the toys, bedsheets, pajamas, posters, t shirts, lunchboxes. Every damn thing. When they announced this movie, I was so god damn excited I lost my mind, then Michael Bay was announced as director, and I wanted to weep. He has his moments, The Rock kicks ass, so does Bad Boys. But then theres Armageddon. Well word came that Steven Speilberg would also be heavily involved with the film, and that they were casting the original voice actor for Optimus Prime, and they were going to include the original transforming noise from the cartoon in the movie. And my geek heaven alarm went off. It has been a long, long time since I have sat in a movie theater watching a movie that made me feel like a kid again and wanna jump outta my chair and geek out. When we first see Optimus Prime, and the music hits, I almost did just that, but I remained calm. Till then I have been in Transformers heaven, watching it again on HD DVD was amazing. And I eagerly await the second movie and hope they can keep the magic.
# 1 Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon
This might have been released here and there last year, but it wasn't widely released to the general public until 07, so fuck it. This movie is tops of the year to me. I am a big horror movie fan. And lately, horror movies have been well, SHIT. The Saw movies are cool, but seriously, who watches those for anything besides to see how people are killed off? And then theres the PG-13 horror fuckshits that I don't even bother with. How the hell can you make a slasher movie and rate it PG-13? Fuck that. So I was hungry for an honest to god slasher movie that kept the old school vibe while bringing something all new to the table. And that is exactly what Leslie Vernon is. It is a new take on horror slashers. Something new, and fresh while also staying true to its roots. It does what I have often wondered. Does Michael Myers and Freddy and Jason all exist in the same world? Well yes. In this movie, Michael, Jason, Freddy, even Chucky are all legends in the slasher business, and Leslie Vernon idolizes them and decides he will be up in their ranks after this plans unfold. And to me, Leslie Vernon very much so deserves to be included with the likes of Myers, and Krueger. This movie has something for everyone, it has its laughs while also giving you scares. Now lets just hope that they keep true to the formula, and bring us part 2, with part 3 in 3D.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas from Devon Lohan!

- Devon Lohan
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wii Virtual Console 12-24-07
BLADES OF STEEL, IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck god damn hell YES! I fucking LOVE Blades Of Steel, the best hockey game, ever. Playin some hockey, one of your friends fucks you up, you get pissed, BAM, FULL ON FIST FIGHT. Of course this is in the game itself, sometimes rarely there would be real life fist fights over Blades Of Steel. Anyways, also today is Donkey Kong Country 3, and some weird ass game. BOOSH! HAPPY HOLIDAYS INDEED WITH BLADES OF STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL!
BLADES OF STEEL (NES, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone-Mild Violence, 500 Wii Points): With stick in hand and confidence brimming, you are looking to bring home the cup, win the MVP award, get on the covers of major sports magazines and date a beautiful model (not necessarily in that order). But soon you will learn that, in this league, nothing is ever given to you, and before you can reach your goals, you'll have to put the puck in the net and score some. You'll need both the artful skills of a finesse player and the bone-crushing brutality of an enforcer. Defend your own goal against unrelenting power plays, or put the pressure on your opponent's goalie and try a slap shot of your own. Don't forget to defend yourself when anger flares because the gloves come off and fists start flying. So strap on blades of steel and prepare to either make a name for yourself or be put on ice.
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (Super NES, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone, 800 Wii Points): Revisit Donkey Kong Island and join the Kong family for their latest adventure. The Kremlings have a mysterious new leader named KAOS and are up to their usual mischief, even capturing Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. Now it's up to Dixie Kong and the newest Kong, a giant infant named Kiddy, to rescue the two missing apes. They'll travel across previously unseen parts of the island in their search, and even take to the skies in a rocket at one point. Lucky for them, Dixie and Kiddy's powers complement each other (including Kiddy's talent for rolling like a barrel), so they form a powerful team capable of major Kremling damage. They're not completely on their own, either, since returning favorites like Funky Kong and Enguarde the swordfish provide help along the way. And in a series known for its abundance of secrets and high replay value, this entry doesn't disappoint, with enough hours of game play to satisfy Donkey Kong himself. Anyone else have a sudden urge for some bananas?
Rolling Thunder 2 (Genesis, 1-2 players, Rated E for Everyone-Violence, 800 Wii Points): In this follow-up to the original classic, you are once again a member of Interpol's Rolling Thunder task force, and it's up to you to stop the return of the evil Geldra organization. Now known as Neo-Geldra and led by a newcomer named Gimdo, the bad guys are bent on destroying several valuable outer-space satellites. In this one- or two-player game, you can play as Leila or Albatross-both characters from the original-as you venture through several different levels, trying to put a stop to the nefarious efforts of Gimdo and the rest of Neo-Geldra. Use your bullets wisely and make Rolling Thunder proud.
Devon's Favorite Christmas Movies!

Vacation! Christmas Vacation Of course once I was a little bit older, I was "old enough" to watch the next movie on my list of great Christmas films. That movie is none other than National Lampoon's Christmas has become a ritual in my family. We always celebrate together on Christmas Eve, and the night always ends with everyone sitting around in the living room watching Christmas Vacation, stuffed on good food, and drunk off egg nog. Chevy Chase is the best in this movie, as he returns to his role of Clark Griswold. Everyone remembers the classic squirrel in the tree bit.

Well that's it, there's a short rundown of some of my favorite Christmas flicks! If you have some of your own you'd like to tell us about, and don't see them here, then go leave a message in the comments section! I also want to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Double Review: Walk Hard and Sweeney Todd
Walk Hard? Sucked more.
The End.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Countdown to "A Christmas Story" 24 Hour Marathon '07 Begins!

Ah yes, Christmas is only mere hours away, as evident by the crowds at every freaking store, that are near riot pushing their way to the near brawling aisles, making a desperate attempt to make sure and get EVERY present for EVERY single solitary person they know, making sure to not leave anyone off, even if they never even see the person, simply because it's become yearly habit...ugh....Christmas is officially all about buy, buy, and buy. I'll pass. But hey, at least one thing is always there, and never changing, and that is, EVERY Christmas, you can turn on TBS at 8 p.m. eastern, and A Christmas Story will be kicking off its 24 hour marathon. This is one of the things that makes Christmas....Christmas. It's the one constant that's always been there, back when Christmas was better, when the good memories were made, Christmas Story was there. Even though times changes, people who made Christmas are either no longer with us, or else have changed their tune and no longer around, it's good to know that 1 tradition will go on. And hey, I'm sure some people are saying "Wow, you're screwed if TBS ever stops airing it on Christmas Eve or they go out of business or something," but these days, it would be no problem, as the wonder of DVD would easily solve that problem, and yes I'd have it on repeat for 24 hours.
What can be said, this movie is THE perfect movie for Christmas, if you're the type to love Christmas, but want a more realistic approach to how Christmas REALLY is, not a sugar coated overly sappy story. The old man, Mr. Parker REALLY delivers the humor here, as his grumpy

Don't forget, 8 eastern on Christmas eve, TBS kicks off this years Christmas Story 24 hour marathon, it's the only way to kick off Christmas, and on Christmas day, as the final scene shows Ralphie with his trusty Red Rider BB Gun and the ending music plays, it signifies the end of Christmas every year, but is a reminder that at least 1 great tradition will be there, for every Christmas to come!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Movie Trailer: Teeth

This shit looks fucking whack. No real reason to post the link other than that. So check it out, let us know what you think. Ever experience Vaginal Dentata yourself? View The Trailer Here.
Hellboy 2 The Golden Army Teaser Trailer
Click here to see Hellboy 2 goodness!
Forgetting Sarah Marshall Trailer AKA Kristen Bell Is Hot

Judd Apatow and gang strike again. And this time they bring in Kristen Bell, who is probably the hottest person on the planet to me at the current moment. And they put her in a bikini... Kristen be thy name.... sshwwwwiiiiiiiiiiing.
After a devastating break-up with his girlfriend TV sitcom star Sarah Marshall (Bell), a heartbroken and depressed Peter (Segal) heads to Hawaii for a little vacation to try his best to forget every detail of his relationship with Sarah. But love laughs at Peter, because Sarah is vacationing in the same exclusive resort as Peter, along with her new boyfriend.
Anyways, the movie is directed by the guy that directed nothing else before, and along with Bell stars Jason Segal, and has of course Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, and everyone else from Judd Apatows crew. Which are the only people making great comedies. I've been a huge Paul Rudd fan since Halloween 6 and to see him in these movies makes me smile all day. Anyways, click on Kristen Bells hand to see the movie cause I swear to fuck if you click her anywhere else you and me are gonna have words son. Seriously.
And if you want to see MORE Kristen, check out Kristen Bell NUDE at MrSkin.com!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Devon Lohan on Myspace!

Thanks for the support, bitches!
Review: Hatchet

Well, that is exactly what I got with Hatchet, a great big pile of fuck. Nothing was new in this movie, nothing different, nothing creative, it was the same exact shit that has been crapped directly to DVD for years now. Kids go on a stupid trip into the woods/swamp, get lost, get killed, the end. They run away, they stop running and try to figure things out, bad guy shows up, they run some more and then stop and try to figure things out, then run some more when the bad guy shows up. Everyone was saying how "Oh man its so cool how they do all the cliches in this!" How the fuck is that cool? That just means they're doing the same bullshit that every other horror movie in the world does.
The acting? Bagh, shitty typical crap. The gore? Well that is 1 nice thing, there is plenty of gore and kills. And T&A? There is plenty of boobs goin around. Remember the chick that played Harmony on Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Yeah, shes in this, showin her boobs about 20 times.
Now some of you may say, maybe I just didn't GET the movie. Or I took it too seriously, or whatever the fuck. Well if thats what you think, then you are a fuckin tard. This movie is the exact same shit thats been comin to DVD for years, nothing new, and it pisses me off. If someone is gonna make a slasher movie, make it something truly different. Something like... Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon. Fuck this movie, pass on it, if you want a REAL horror movie, with good acting, an interesting plot, is different, with characters you care about, and is not predictable, then go rent Behind The Mask. As for Hatchet? Use it in case you run out of toilet paper to wipe your ass with.
2/10 and I only give it 2 stars because of Harmonys tits. And the black dude thats pretty damned funny.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Did Chuck Norris and Mike Huckabee Quarantine Haley Joel Osment?
Walker Texas Ranger has endorsed Mike Huckabee.
What did they do with this kid?
Walker Told me I have AIDS:
Fuck you Chuck Norris! You too Mike Huckabee!!
Mike Huckabee, you already know I hope you rot in a pit of AIDs infested syringes, since I know how much you love AIDs.
This disappoints me to no end.
Fascist Former Fatty Huckabee Copies Fundraising Star Ron Paul?

Earlier we posted the fantastic Mike Huckabee Family Christmas Card. Now I'm not going to make fun of the guy because he used to be fat. The problem is a lot of FORMER fat people ( or former alcoholics, drug users, other addicts) turn into major assholes once they lose the weight. Then they become the damn food and exercise police nanny-staters who want to control everyone's personal decisions.
A Mike Huckabee Christmas commercial has also caused some controversy since Druge referred to the inclusion of a "floating cross." See, in the background Huckabee has a white bookshelf. The way the bookshelf is framed in the shot it looks the a cross. Now I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the idea is Huckabee thinks of himself as the "most Christian" candidate.
Ron Paul ( the Republican candidate with a real story this week) was asked on Fox and Friends what he thought about the ad. He was SUPPOSED to be interviewed about HIS record breaking ( broke his own record for 1 day fundraising) $6 million one day haul on the December 16th Boston Tea Party anniversary. But they just had to ask about the sudden media darling Mike Huckabee. Ron Paul responded that "When fascism comes it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross"- a quote attributed to writer Sinclair Lewis. Ron Paul was quick to add that he didnt know if that was the case in this circumstance, but that he felt Huckabee was implying he was the only Christian running, and that he wouldnt be comfortable using the same tactics.
Personally I dont find anything controversial about that statement, as it is true. Fascist "leaders" and dictators of all stripes have often risen to power under the guise of religious virtue with a nationalistic "patriotic" agenda. If you don't know that, you need a history lesson. Ii'm not going to be the one to give it.
As far as Huckabee specifically, it is well known ( among people who read and reason, at least) that he has a lot of issues and seems like a big phoney flip-flopper. I don't think I will call hima fascist. That may be pushing it. But I certainly don't think he has the substance to be President. He is not a true conservative or even a compassionate anything. He is a big government Nanny who is running more for "President of Jesus" than president of the United States.
Ron Paul on the other hand is a Christian, but he realizes the proper role of religion as a private personal matter and respects the beliefs of others. He defended Mitt Romney at a time when Huckabee and others were attempting to portray Romney as a member of a "cult" that believes " Jesus is Satan's brother" among other things. Ron Paul doesnt pander to the people who believe the Earth is flat and was created in 6 days 6000 years. That's probably one of the main reasons he won't win the nomination.
One thing that is interesting in light of all the media support of Huckabee is Ron Paul's incredible fundraising ( and support from "the people" rather than the PACs and media) success. Over 100,000 individuals have donated to Ron Paul. In one day he had 25,000 new donors and raised $6 million. His previous one day "money bomb" on November 5 raised over $4.2 million. All this money has been raised by grassroots supporters with no input from Ron Paul. Individual supporters come up with these ideas and then execute them.
Mike Huckabee may have the support of the media, but Where Are the People? His actual support seems non-existent. At least they are not very passionate.
The Huckabee campaign has resorted to copying Ron Paul supporters. They have tried their own "money bombs." While Ron Paul Grassroots can raise $6 million in a day, Huck's Army struggles to raise $1 million in 3 months. They try, but there is just no support ( of computer literate people, anyway).
Yet the media's "polls" show Paul with almost no support as Huck is the "rising star." When Paul's success is mentioned, the story almost always adds "BUT, he is a longshot with little support in the polls." If the media is always saying someone has no support and can't win, aren't they the ones trying to make up our minds for us rather than just reporting the news? Then they go out of their way to menton Huckabee, a guy with more scandals than Bill Clinton and zero foreign policy experience. Of course the only way to know for sure is what happens at the actual ballot box. Paul's support may be under polled, but a lot of it depends on who gets out there and votes.
It is interesting that the 1 candidate the media and other "top tier candidates" have ignored or written off is the leading fundraiser and only one with visible passionate support. Now they are starting to copy him. In early debates, when Ron Paul mentioned The Constitution, the other guys sneered and snickered. Watch a debate now, and see how many mentions of the Constitution, limited government, and IRS are made. You will even see some softening of support for the Iraq War ( Paul's "thing" until recently was being the only 'anti-war" Republican).
So on a day when the media should have been talking about Ron Paul, they decided to focus on a Mike Huckabee "Merry Christmas" commercial. Where was the media when Ron Paul released HIS commercial around a week earlier? Did Huckabee copy it? I don't know, but they are both wearing red shirts and talking in front of book shelves. Both commercials also have the same basic theme of "Enough with the Politics. Happy Holidays." Yet for some reason the media decided Huck's ad was "unique" and a BIG DEAL.
Here is Paul's commercial:
Link to Mike Huckabee's:
Did he copy Paul? Did you see a "floating cross"? Should Mike Huckabee's son be in prison with Michael Vick? Who was the better Democratic governor of Arkansas, Huckabee or Clinton? Which family looks less in-bred? What do you think?
Oh man, this is too good not to post. Jamie Lynn Spears is PREGNANT!

Peter Jackson WILL make the Hobbit!

Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema have mended their strained relationship. The two were bitterly and publicly fighting over profits from the Lord of the Rings franchise.
On Tuesday, it was announced that Jackson would produce The Hobbit and its sequel, both prequels to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Principal photography is expected to begin in 2009 - with films being staggered for a release in 2010 and 2011.
The movies will be shot simultaneously.
That sounds awesome. The Hobbit is one of my favorite books. Now where they're getting this "sequel" shit from is besides me. Maybe he's splitting the one book up in to two movies. There was only the one book, The Hobbit, before the trilogy.
Mike Huckabee MUST be stopped!
They look like the Addams Family's country bumpkin inbred relatives.
I can't imagine that woman as the first lady of anything other than a Sonic drive-thru. And his sons look like two big perverts. I feel bad for his daughter, she looks like she's the only slightly normal one, but we all know she's probably a snotty bitch.
What's scary the most is, he's GAINING NUMBERS in the polls!!
Read this article that came out last week.
It's shocking that a man who did so little as the Governor of Arkansas could be considered for the role of President of the United States. The coverups, the scandals, the blatant disregard for minorities. I guess he'd fit right in with the current regime, but we as Americans have to see that that regime end in January 2009. Out with the old, in with the new!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Review: I Am Legend
For those that don't think Will Smith can act, this mother fucker can ACT. The first 70 minutes of this movie are fantastic. But then shit just falls apart. What you see in the previews and trailer is pretty much what you would expect. Will Smith is alone in New York City, creatures hunt him every night, and he's trying to find a cure for what turned humans into these creatures. And its pretty great. Will has his dog, and the random mannequins he has set up that he talks to every day on his way to the video store to snag a DVD. While also hitting some golf balls off an air craft carrier. Then by the end of the movie you realize that, instead of calling it I Am Legend, it shoulda been called I Am Lacking Common Sense.
Such as, when he is being attacked, he fires off his machine gun he has, but never really managed to hit much (he is a Colonel in the military by the way) also, he has his machine gun, and a 9mm. If I was in his situation, I would have every type of gun I could find stored throughout my home base. Which, his home base, is his home with steel shutters. Why not move to the air craft carrier that is nothing BUT steel. Making it very hard for something to get in. Basically, this movie is full of, "why doesn't he just do that? Why doesn't he just do this?" You get frustrated watching it because you know if you were in his situation, you would be doing better off than him.
Basically, um, watch the first 70 minutes, get up and leave and come up with your own ending, cause the ending is pretty damn stupid at that. On top of it all, the CGI for the creatures is the worst I have ever seen. Holy fucking crap is it terrible. And the creatures aren't anything that Make Up couldn't create. Hollywood needs to get off this damn CGI mania shit, call up Stan Winston and say, Save us Stan. Create us more legendary creatures please?
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Dark Knight Trailer and Posters
As for when you can see the trailer in theaters? Well go see I Am Legend. See it in the Imax and not only do you get the trailer, but the opening scene from The Dark Knight as well! Next week the high quality version of the trailer comes online and I will update this blog with a link to it. And here are some poster goodies for you kiddies. I know for a fact I will be buying that Joker poster the first chance I get. So if allposters.com or some other place has it up, shoot me a link in a comment to it.

Nicholson, has been dethroned.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My Name Is Bruce Trailer!
My Name Is Bruce is probably the most awesome idea for a movie ever. In a tiny town the dead are returning, monsters are attacking, and people come up with an idea, "Hey! The guy from The Evil Dead movies lives just up the block! Maybe he can do something!?"
So watch the trailer fellow deadites. And be amazed.
Golden Globe Awards Nominees
Motion Picture, Drama
'American Gangster'
'The Great Debaters'
'Michael Clayton'
'No Country for Old Men'
'There Will Be Blood'
Motion Picture, Musical Or Comedy
'Across the Universe'
'Charlie Wilson's War'
'Sweeney Todd'
Actor, Drama
George Clooney, 'Michael Clayton'
Daniel Day-Lewis, 'There Will Be Blood'
James McAvoy, 'Atonement'
Viggo Mortensen, 'Eastern Promises'
Denzel Washington, 'American Gangster'
Actress, Drama
Cate Blanchett, 'Elizabeth: The Golden Age'
Julie Christie, 'Away From Her'
Jodie Foster, 'The Brave One'
Angelina Jolie, 'A Mighty Heart'
Keira Knightley, 'Atonement'
Actor, Musical or Comedy
Johnny Depp, 'Sweeney Todd'
Ryan Gosling, 'Lars and the Real Girl'
Tom Hanks, 'Charlie Wilson's War'
Philip Seymour Hoffman, 'The Savages'
John C. Reilly, 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story'
Actress, Musical or Comedy
Amy Adams, 'Enchanted'
Nikki Blonsky, 'Hairspray'
Helena Bonham Carter, 'Sweeney Todd'
Marion Cotillard, 'La Vie En Rose'
Ellen Page, 'Juno'
Supporting Actor
Casey Affleck, 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford'
Javier Bardem, 'No Country for Old Men'
Philip Seymour Hoffman, 'Charlie Wilson's War'
John Travolta, 'Hairspray'
Tom Wilkinson, 'Michael Clayton'
Supporting Actress
Cate Blanchett, 'I'm Not There'
Julia Roberts, 'Charlie Wilson's War'
Saoirse Ronan, 'Atonement'
Amy Ryan, 'Gone Baby Gone'
Tilda Swinton, 'Michael Clayton'
Tim Burton, 'Sweeney Todd'
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, 'No Country for Old Men'
Julian Schnabel, 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'
Ridley Scott, 'American Gangster'
Joe Wright, 'Atonement'
Diablo Cody, 'Juno'
Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, 'No Country for Old Men'
Christopher Hampton, 'Atonement'
Ronald Harwood, 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'
Aaron Sorkin, 'Charlie Wilson's War'
Foreign Language
'4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days,' Romania'
'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly,' France and U.S.
'The Kite Runner,' U.S.
'Lust, Caution,' Taiwan
'Persepolis,' France
Animated Film
'Bee Movie'
'The Simpsons Movie'
Original Score
Michael Brook, Kaki King, Eddie Edder, 'Into the Wild'
Clint Eastwood, 'Grace Is Gone'
Alberto Iglesias,' The Kite Runner'
Dario Marianelli, 'Atonement'
Howard Shore, 'Eastern Promises'
Original Song
'Despedida' from 'Love in the Time of Cholera'
'Grace Is Gone' from 'Grace Is Gone'
'Guaranteed' from 'Into the Wild'
'That's How You Know' from 'Enchanted'
'Walk Hard' from 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story'
Series, Drama
'Big Love,' HBO
'Damages,' FX Networks
'Grey's Anatomy,' ABC
'House,' Fox
'Mad Men,' AMC
'The Tudors,' Showtime
Actress, Drama
Patricia Arquette, 'Medium'
Glenn Close, 'Damages'
Minnie Driver, 'The Riches'
Edie Falco, 'The Sopranos'
Sally Field, 'Brothers & Sisters'
Holly Hunter, 'Saving Grace'
Kyra Sedgwick, 'The Closer'
Actor, Drama
Michael C. Hall, 'Dexter'
Jon Hamm, 'Mad Men'
Hugh Laurie, 'House'
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, 'The Tudors'
Bill Paxton, 'Big Love'
Series, Musical or Comedy
'30 Rock,' NBC
'Californication,' Showtime
'Entourage,' HBO
'Extras,' HBO
'Pushing Daisies,' ABC
Actress, Musical or Comedy
Christina Applegate, 'Samantha Who?'
America Ferrera, 'Ugly Betty'
Tina Fey, '30 Rock'
Anna Friel, 'Pushing Daisies'
Mary-Louise Parker, 'Weeds'
Actor, Musical or Comedy
Alec Baldwin, '30 Rock'
Steve Carell, 'The Office'
David Duchovny, 'Californication'
Ricky Gervais, 'Extras'
Lee Pace, 'Pushing Daisies'
Miniseries or Movie
'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee,' HBO
'The Company,' TNT
'Five Days,' HBO
'Longford,' HBO
'The State Within,' BBC America
Actress, Miniseries or Movie
Bryce Dallas Howard, 'As You Like It'
Debra Messing, 'The Starter Wife'
Queen Latifah, 'Life Support'
Sissy Spacek, 'Pictures of Hollis Woods'
Ruth Wilson, 'Jane Eyre' (Masterpiece Theatre)
Actor, Miniseries or Movie
Adam Beach, 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee'
Ernest Borgnine, 'A Grandpa for Christmas'
Jim Broadbent, 'Longford'
Jason Isaacs, 'The State Within'
James Nesbitt, 'Jekyll'
Supporting Actress, Series, Miniseries or Movie
Rose Byrne, 'Damages'
Rachel Griffiths, 'Brothers & Sisters'
Katherine Heigl, 'Grey's Anatomy'
Samantha Morton, 'Longford'
Anna Paquin, 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee'
Jaime Pressly, 'My Name Is Earl'
Supporting Actor, Series, Miniseries or Movie
Ted Danson, 'Damages'
Kevin Dillon, 'Entourage'
Jeremy Piven, 'Entourage'
Andy Serkis, 'Longford'
William Shatner, 'Boston Legal'
Donald Sutherland, 'Dirty Sexy Money'
Cecil B. DeMille Award
Steven Spielberg
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Jackass 2.5 comes out... NEXT WEEK?! FOR FREE?!?
But the next installment, Jackass 2.5 will be the first movie to be released through the internet! For free!
"2.5" will be offered online for free for two weeks beginning Dec. 19 courtesy of Blockbuster, which will exclusively host the 64-minute film during that period. The movie will be made available at blockbuster.jackassworld.com.
From there, the film will move on in ensuing weeks to pay-per-view platforms including iTunes and DVD as part of a light-speed reinvention of the customary distribution-window chain. The domestic release strategy also will be replicated internationally in early 2008, but with different distribution partners.
Oh look! Adam Sandler in a whacky comedy! With Rob Schneider!
Sandler you suck, go back to making something good like Punch Drunk Love. Your shit isnt funny anymore. And tell Will Ferrell to knock it off with the retarded whacky sports guy movies too.
Click here for the trailer, I watched, and did not laugh once. And I will NOT be seeing it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
DevonLohan.com Delivers Disneyworld Honeymoons!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Weekend Comes Early
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Watch the season finale of Heroes right here, right now!
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Trailer

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Dark Knight Poster!

Monday, December 3, 2007
Wanna watch South Park? For free? Legally???
Are you done dancing for joy yet? We'll wait. So here's the deal. SouthParkStudios.com, which currently hosts a small video clip collection as well as some downloadable extras, will include every clip of 'South Park' since its inception. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Just a couple of months ago, 'The Daily Show' went digital with over 13,000 video clips at TheDailyShow.com. That test of the digital waters was very successful. It turned out that hosting the videos online didn't hurt the show's TV ratings. It also turns out that hosting episodes online actually helps shows increase viewership.
Wii Virtual Console 12-3-07

Eternal Champions (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, rated T for Teen - Animated Blood, Animated Violence, 800 Wii Points): This 2-D fighting game introduces a cast of different characters that met untimely deaths in their lives on Earth. Now they have been given a chance to compete against each other, with the winner taking on the Eternal Champion, the ultimate fighter in the universe. The reward for defeating the Eternal Champion is a return to Earth for the opportunity to avenge death and restore balance to the universe. Choose from nine unique characters with a variety of fighting styles, and bring your best moves to defeat all comers in your quest to topple the Eternal Champion.
The Dynastic Hero (TurboGrafx16 CD-ROM, 1 player, rated E for Everyone - Comic Mischief, 800 Wii Points): The Dynastic Hero is an action RPG featuring a cast of insect characters. The story begins with the invasion of their peaceful homeland of Tarron by the evil Drilkor Empire. Rushing to the insects' aid is Dyna, the prince of Beetras. Take control of Dyna as he battles through action-filled stages. Equip weapons and items to vanquish the relentless foes, and acquire special items that enable you to brave the journey across the perilous desert or open sea. But it's not just all action. Correctly answer multiple-choice quizzes, and play the ocarina to find the right melody to open doors. Plus, there are countless traps and other puzzles packed into this fun game to keep you entertained and ensure you continue coming back for more.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Evel Knievel Has Died.

Although he dropped off the pop culture radar in the 80s, Knievel always had fans and enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in recent years. In later years he still made a good living selling his autographs and endorsing products.
Thousands came to Butte, Mont., every year as his legend was celebrated during the “Evel Knievel Days” festival.
“They started out watching me bust my ass, and I became part of their lives,” Knievel said. “People wanted to associate with a winner, not a loser. They wanted to associate with someone who kept trying to be a winner.”
His death came just two days after it was announced that he and rapper Kanye West had settled a federal lawsuit over the use of Knievel's trademarked image in a popular West music video.
We can now confirm that he died of liver failure. He had been ill for years due to contracting Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion 15 years ago. And his health recently took a turn for the worse.
Go to his official site for your confirmation here.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Greatest Movie Poster In Years

Fight Of The Week: A Discussion
from Beverly Hills 90210

AC Slater
From Saved By The Bell

Discuss in the comments as to who you think would win. As for my pick? I think I will have to go with Slater for his wrestling background. And dance skills.
Top 10 TV Show Themes by Random Villain.
10. Roseanne
My favorite TV show. I own every season on DVD, even the Halloween Edition DVD. Shit is fucking fantastic, and has some of the best moments in sitcom history. Of course, the theme always changed slightly every season, the theme I chose for this is from Season 6, my favorite season. The Dan vs Fisher season.
9. Cheers
Where everyone knows my name indeed. This theme always made me feel good, still does. I just wish there really was a bar like this around here that I could go to every day, just like Norm.
8. Entourage
My 2nd favorite TV show of all time. If you are not watching this show, you are not living life as a cool person.
7. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Holy crap did the first season of this show kick ass. The Green Ranger storyline was fucking intense. Too bad this show got lame quick, even though it was pretty much just a Voltron rip off. This theme is one of those that even to this day, I rock out too whenever I hear it. I so wanna play this song on Rock Band.
6. Beverly Hills 90210
God damn this show. I never really watched this show much, which is why this theme is epic. I knew what music this was, without even watching the show. Now get your ass to the Peach Pit bitches!
5. Magnum P.I.
Fuck you Miami Vice. Your theme was smooth and cool, but not as rockin and bad ass as this theme. When this theme hit, you knew Selleck was about to kick some serious ass.
4. The A-Team
And even though Selleck kicked some ass, he would be no match for the one and only A - Team.
3. He Man
My favorite cartoon when I was a kid. Saturday mornings were all about this and the Thundercats. But between those two, the theme music to He Man kicks all ass.
2. Tales From The Darkside
This theme used to scare the living shit out of me when I was a kid. My parents would watch this show, I would hide under blankets and plug my ears. Just the eerie music with the creepy images, fuck this theme.
1. X Men
The only team out there that could take out the A Team. The one theme that when it came on, you knew for the next 30 minutes your life was about to be owned. If only they used just a hint of this theme in X Men 3, it wouldn't have sucked so much balls.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
2008 Independent Spirit Award Nominees

2 DAYS IN PARIS - Director: Julie Delpy
GREAT WORLD OF SOUND - Director: Craig Zobel
THE LOOKOUT - Director: Scott Frank
ROCKET SCIENCE - Director: Jeffrey Blitz
VANAJA - Director: Rajnesh Domalpalli
Todd Haynes - I'M NOT THERE
Tamara Jenkins - THE SAVAGES
Jason Reitman - JUNO
Pedro Castaneda - AUGUST EVENING
Don Cheadle - TALK TO ME
Philip Seymour Hoffman - THE SAVAGES
Tony Leung - LUST, CAUTION
Angelina Jolie - A MIGHTY HEART
Sienna Miller - INTERVIEW
Ellen Page - JUNO
Chiwetel Ejiofor - TALK TO ME
Marcus Carl Franklin - I'M NOT THERE
Irrfan Khan - THE NAMESAKE
Steve Zahn - RESCUE DAWN
Cate Blanchett - I'M NOT THERE
Anna Kendrick - ROCKET SCIENCE
Jennifer Jason Leigh - MARGOT AT THE WEDDING
Tamara Jenkins - THE SAVAGES
Fred Parnes & Andrew Wagner - STARTING OUT IN THE EVENING
Adrienne Shelly - WAITRESS
Mike White - YEAR OF THE DOG
Jeffrey Blitz - ROCKET SCIENCE
Zoe Cassavetes - BROKEN ENGLISH
Diablo Cody - JUNO
John Orloff - A MIGHTY HEART
Mott Hupfel - THE SAVAGES
Milton Kam - VANAJA
Mihai Malaimare, Jr. - YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH
Rodrigo Prieto - LUST, CAUTION
AUGUST EVENING - Writer/Director: Chris Eska
OWL AND THE SPARROW - Writer/Director: Stephane Gauger
THE POOL - Director: Chris Smith
QUIET CITY - Director: Aaron Katz
SHOTGUN STORIES - Writer/Director: Jeff Nichols
CRAZY LOVE - Director: Dan Klores
LAKE OF FIRE - Director: Tony Kaye
MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES - Director: Jennifer Baichwal
THE MONASTERY - Director: Pernille Rose Grønkjær
THE PRISONER: OR HOW I PLANNED TO KILL TONY BLAIR - Directors: Petra Epperlein & Michael Tucker
Ramin Bahrani, director of CHOP SHOT
Ronnie Bronstein, director of FROWNLAND
Lee Isaac Chung, director of MUNYURANGABO
Gary Hustwit - HELVETICA
John Maringouin - RUNNING STUMBLED