Hey everyone! We here at DevonLohan.com just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Thank you to all our readers who signed up with us this past year. As you know, 2007 was a big year here at DevonLohan.com as we changed over from UltraEntertainment, and started this new platform. Obviously we're doing something right, because the numbers keep growing, and more and more of you have signed up with us, and subscribed to the blog! If you think 2007 was great, just wait, because I think we all have a feeling 2008 is going to be CRAZY HUGE! So once again, thanks for signing up and sticking around with us through our changes. We hope to bring you all plenty more entertainment in this next year, and we look forward to maybe getting to know some of you in our comments section! Don't be shy!! Merry Christmas from everyone!!
- Devon Lohan
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