Ah yes, Christmas is only mere hours away, as evident by the crowds at every freaking store, that are near riot pushing their way to the near brawling aisles, making a desperate attempt to make sure and get EVERY present for EVERY single solitary person they know, making sure to not leave anyone off, even if they never even see the person, simply because it's become yearly habit...ugh....Christmas is officially all about buy, buy, and buy. I'll pass. But hey, at least one thing is always there, and never changing, and that is, EVERY Christmas, you can turn on TBS at 8 p.m. eastern, and A Christmas Story will be kicking off its 24 hour marathon. This is one of the things that makes Christmas....Christmas. It's the one constant that's always been there, back when Christmas was better, when the good memories were made, Christmas Story was there. Even though times changes, people who made Christmas are either no longer with us, or else have changed their tune and no longer around, it's good to know that 1 tradition will go on. And hey, I'm sure some people are saying "Wow, you're screwed if TBS ever stops airing it on Christmas Eve or they go out of business or something," but these days, it would be no problem, as the wonder of DVD would easily solve that problem, and yes I'd have it on repeat for 24 hours.
What can be said, this movie is THE perfect movie for Christmas, if you're the type to love Christmas, but want a more realistic approach to how Christmas REALLY is, not a sugar coated overly sappy story. The old man, Mr. Parker REALLY delivers the humor here, as his grumpy

Don't forget, 8 eastern on Christmas eve, TBS kicks off this years Christmas Story 24 hour marathon, it's the only way to kick off Christmas, and on Christmas day, as the final scene shows Ralphie with his trusty Red Rider BB Gun and the ending music plays, it signifies the end of Christmas every year, but is a reminder that at least 1 great tradition will be there, for every Christmas to come!
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