Fire Pro Wrestling R Hits America, AKA God's Gift to Wrestling Gamers!
Well the Fire Pro Series is finally in stores, finally in English, finally in America! For years Fire Pro has been the underground sensation for wrestling gamers that were willing to import a game from Japan, modify their PlayStation to be able to play it, deal with playing a game in another language and having to look up translations etc. etc. Well it's been almost 10 years since i first bought Fire Pro G for PlayStation...and ever since, Fire Pro has been a special series. While most other games are mostly about graphics other bells and whistles, wrestling purists enjoy the Fire Pro series because the spotlight is on WRESTLING. It doesn't aim to please the new age John Cena fans that just want to do 1000 FU's and giggle each time they make Cena win, Fire Pro is about wrestling, and everything that makes wrestling great. over 500 wrestlers on this game from around the world, 500 create a wrestler spots (and this game, ANYone can be created to perfectly.) The match options are fully customizable. You basically pick the rules you want, from count outs and DQ's to style of elimination. Then you have options such as 6 man and 8 man tags, exploding ring death matches, cage matches, barbed wire, the whole 9. The gameplay is like that of a real wrestling match, wearing your opponent down until you can get a big move and go for the win, it's a very different process, and definitely a true wrestling sim rather than arcade style madness. The graphics are probably the main sticking point for some people. Now me, I appreciate the era of cartoony games with cartoony it bothers me 0% that there aren't motion captures and all the new age stuff, cool looking cartoon wrestlers work just fine for me, and even feel fresh after years and years of the Smackdown vs. RAW reign with the same old look year after year for the most part. I really can't give the full rundown on Fire Pro, there is just too much to get into with the downloadable creations, customized rings, etc. etc. I'll provide some videos here that will give you an idea of what Fire Pro can do. Where else can you find a game that has Ring of Honor style high flying 90 mph madness, but also features some hardcore ECW style greatness, while still being able to throw two 80's guy's in the ring and have a slower normal old style match. This game does all that, and it nails every era's style right down to every move a wrestler would do in real life. Enough .....on to the videos...
This first video is a tribute to Fire Pro R, and just a great video highlighting some of the spectacular moves and sequences....and yes, you''ll see some familiar guys like Jeff Hardy and some logos like Ring of Honor's and TNA's in this video...
Video 2 is a masterpiece. This is the old ECW Intro video done Fire Pro style! Now, let's be honest, look at this video in amazement, and realize that Fire Pro recreates ECW about 2000 times better than Vince McMahon EVER this video, then see if you can argue....
And finally, for the old school fans like me, a little video highlighting how you can even recreate the old territory days of the 70's and 80's with this game...and finishing with a HUGE rundown of legends that have been downloaded or created on the game, i mean damn, if you look closely you'll get a glimpse of every wrestler you can think of, pretty much locking in Fire Pro's spot in the legendary wrestling game category...
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