Maybe someone can explain to me, where people get the nerve to post pictures of their genitalia, accompanied by pictures of their faces and names, for all the world to see?
Take a trip to Craigslist.org and check out the casual encounters section. I implore you to do this with a group of friends in a safe environment. What will transpire is nothing short of hilarious and good times to be had by all.
I just can't grasp what would make someone think it's a good idea to do this. I mean, sure... everyone knows the internet is the Devil's Playground when it comes to debauchery and sin. Every kind of evil, dark, filthy thing is readily available. I get that. I also stay away from that. However.... personal ads, with candid shots of your own 'junk' is something altogether different and beguilling. What if your coworkers saw you? This isn't that big of a city! I know that if I saw a coworker on there, with his/her mojo out there for the world to see, I'd have a shit fit, my friends. The sheer humiliation of seeing someone you associate with on an everyday basis naked on the internet is unfathomable.
What gets me more is, what kind of people respond to these ads? I'm not talking about personal ads, either. This isn't EHarmony, or Match.com... this is straight up nasty ass people, posting their nasty ass penises and hairy bushes on the internet. If you're stuff looks that horrible, why would you want to show it off? The people who post the ads are sick, but how sick do you have to be to freakin' reply to one of them?! What in your mind would make it acceptable to begin a relationship, physical or otherwise, with someone who prior to your meeting posted a picture of their dick and balls on the internet?
It blows my mind, man. Is this the sorta thing we have looking forward to more of in the future? How long until there's a channel of just 24/7 dicks and vaginas on the screen, with a phone number along the bottom?
So...you spent the night checking out the men's personal ads on Craigslist?
ReplyDeleteYou give Random too much ammunition sometimes
Hmm, well I TYPED DevonLohan.com........somehow I've ended up on PerezHilton.com! WTF!
ReplyDeleteYeah uhhhhh
ReplyDeleteOne has to wonder exactly HOW DID DEVON HAPPEN ACROSS THIS?
Because you dont just ACCIDENTALLY go to craiglist.com, go to the personals, and click the section where DICKS would be shown. There is no accidental, or excuse in that. That was a mission.
You turn pissy faggot at ME when I make fun of you for being gay, then you post OH HEY I WAS ON THE PERSONALS ON CRAIGSLIST LOOKING AT A BUNCH OF DICKS!
Come on man, seriously. You might as well just typed WELP I FUCKED THIS DUDE LAST NIGHT.
Don't you just hate when you and your friends get together, and decide to browse the gay personals just for kicks....and ya get a bunch of big dick pics...........hate that.
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ! Even the Digg topic is completely off! I didn't specifically talk about goddamn penises. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You will look for any fucking reason to tear my shit apart and accuse me of being gay. I could've written about the nesting habits of the Northern Canary and you would find a way to turn that in to homophobia.
ReplyDeleteUh well yeah dude talkin about birds is pretty gay. And dude come on you threw the whole vagina talk in there just to make it sound like you werent gay. Were not stupid.
ReplyDeleteTheres no homophobia, or any of that kinda shit, we just want you to finally admit you are gay/bi so the rumors can be put to rest and we will have FACT instead. I mean hey, if you finally admit it, we couldnt very well make fun of you for it anymore now could we?
Random Villain you are a sad individual. What kind of cavemen raised you?
ReplyDeleteThe geico ones.
ReplyDeleteHow can we be Kevin Smith proteges if we are making fun of Devon for being gay and actively seeking out dicks, when Kevin Smith is actually a huge gay rights supporter who himself has a gay brother and has even produced a documentary about gays?
Good lord...
ReplyDeletewhat really sucks is that devon is the only one who posts stuff anymore and then when he does you just jump all over him he should quit i wouldnt keep writing this.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I agree with last comment, amazing other sites can find numerous items daily, and there is ALWAYS some sort of movie news, but on this site we have to sit here seeing the craigslist man section as the top item for days and days. Sucks.
ReplyDeleteOther sites have 2 things that this site doesnt.
ReplyDeleteMore than just 2 regular writers.
And most other sites their writers are paid.
Now if we had more writers, and we were getting paid, you damn sure there would be shit loads of content on here daily.
So IF and when that day comes, content will just be posted on here when we feel like it, or get a free moment, or find something interesting to post.