Here is just a simple list. As to who I think is the hot, to the hottest women that have appeared in the Batman films. Some of you may agree, some may disagree, but one thing we will all agree together on, is they were hot, and made the Batman movies a little bit somewhat worth watching. Well ok Alicia Silverstone aside, she was hot but not hot enough to make Batman and Robin worth watching again. Oy!
First up here, is Uma Thurman in Batman and Robin.

Even though Uma was hot as Poison Ivy, she was not as hot as Kim Basinger as Viki Vale.

People talk shit about Tom Cruise doing backflips off couches. But if you were hitting Katie Holmes from the backside every night, you would be doing backflips off couches too.

I remember everyone bitching about nipples on the bat suits, but no one said shit about the BOOBS ON THE BAT GIRL SUIT!

Never talked about, was Drew Barrymore and Debi Mazar as Sugar and Spice from Batman Forever.

That's right. Im putting Michelle Pfeiffer in 2nd place. But come on, you gotta admit.....

Nicole Kidman in Batman Forever is much hotter. And less of a fuckin psycho.

I agree. Drew Barrymore was really hot though, but not in the movie enough to warrant being in a higher spot. All in all, good list. Shoulda fit in some of the chicks from the classic TV show. Julie Newmar was hot back in the day.
ReplyDeleteI like this post very much...I would hope you also give a pic of each actress naked...or showing her boobs...hopefully in future posts. thanks for this.
ReplyDeleteYeah, good list, but I thought these were gonna be some nudes! Us readers need to feed our dirty minds! What gives!
ReplyDeleteHey man, don't look at me. I am not the person to talk to about that. Even though I have stated before nudes should go on this site as well to bring in even MORE traffic.
ReplyDeleteWell see, we have this site, then there is the wrestling site, then there is the Big Brother site, then here is the Reality Show site, then there is a couple other sites.... All equally get good traffic...
ReplyDeleteI have said, time and time again, that instead of each of us concentrating on seperate sites, it would be better if we just turned it all into one MAIN site. Piling all the traffic each site gets, into just one site.
But apparently, it wouldnt work, for some random reason that makes zero sense.
Let me ask the people here. Would you prefer a site that has a bunch of seperate sites that have something, or one MAIN SITE that has EVERYTHING? Such as...
A site like this for movie news and random blogs, then another site for wrestling news, and another for video game news, and another for pics of naked chicks...
Or would you prefer a blog that has MOVIES, VIDEO GAMES AND NAKED CHICKS all piled into one?
Nudity = No adsense
ReplyDeleteConsidering that is usually the main source of income for blogs like this, I'd say it'd be a bad idea.
I dont want no reality TV crap mixed in with my movie and hollywood news......thanks.
ReplyDeleteThen there ya go. Questions answered. No boobies.
ReplyDeleteuh, thats exactly what every other site does, warn people before clicking since some dont want to see controversial content, so whats so impossible about doing the same here? give fair warning and link seperately?
ReplyDeleteI will also pass on having to read through American Idol results and shit like that in between movie and celebrity news, they don't go together with me, but I'm all for the naked women.
ReplyDeleteI don't think bringing in a bunch of wrestling dorks and reality tv addicts will improve this site...i think the nudey stuff just goes hand in hand with whats already here. It seems people are just wanting to see more hot pics of the actresses and celebrities that are already featured here, not bring in whole new segments of entertainment that will drastically change the tone of this site.
ReplyDeleteI would also prefer a warning before having naked bodies shoved in my face to begin my daily visit here...thanks.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, the writers suggesting that all these topics are combined, are just speaking about what they want, and have no business or sensical knowledge as to why its a bad idea, and are too lazy to learn more about it. I'm SHOCKED, not the writers on THIS site! It's called study up on how to draw traffic to websites, don't just bark random ideas that you think are right and/or cool. ::waits for angry comeback and lesson about how i know NOTHING::
ReplyDeleteYou know nothing because you smell like poop! Ha!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the writers on this site! THE WRITERS. See my job here, what I get paid for, is to WRITE. I dont give a flyin fuck all about traffic and all that shit, not my job, not what I am hired on this site for. I am here to write. If I have an idea, I bring it up, and then I am told why its a bad idea, or why its a good idea. Then thats the end of that.
This discussion is long over and the fact is simple, nothing is changing except that we will now sort of feature nudity, as in if there is something involving nudity going on, we will simply say CLICK HERE FOR THE NSFW VERSION OF THIS PICTURE or some shit like that. Much like does. They show the blurred picture, then if you click, TADA! TATAS! WEEEEEEEEE!
I think thats pretty much what everyones been asking for, and theres always been a simple solution, just took you a little longer to get it.