If there is one thing I hate in the world, its X Box 360 Fanboys. The most uneducated poser faggots on the planet. Yeah, I said poser. They're not REAL gamers. They love their first person shooters with unlimited lives and nonstop checkpoints, saves, and continues. They never went toe to toe with Mr. Dream back in the day. They don't know the pains of getting to the last level of Double Dragon only to lose and have to start the ENTIRE GAME all over again. REAL gamers play games for the challenge, and the game play, not cause of the pretty graphics and insane storylines.
One thing I hate most is the whole 360 vs PS3 debate. Look I have played, and owned, all systems. And the PS3 is better. Deal with it kids. And now Sony has posted a little chart showing yet further proof why their system is the better deal. True the PS3 is the most expensive system but there is a reason behind that. Check it out.

Yeah, if you want the 360 to have all the features of the PS3 you have to spend an extra $250 bucks. On top of that, there is no Blu Ray. At all. What the X Box does have is a dead format. Which of course, if you wanted to play HD DVDs on the 360, you would of course have to buy the HD Player add on.
let me address a few things for you... I am no xbox fanboy (never had the original) and it was a hard decision for me to buy a 360 over a ps3 but it came down to a few things... who cares about bluray? seeing every hair and wrinkle on a person due to its exceptional quality is a little overrated... second, wifi for HD gaming is just plain dumb so to even want it for is stupid (wii is a different story, and whats with the no built in ethernet port? not everyone has wireless nintendo)... and third so many more ppl have xboxes than ps3s so you may get internet gaming for free but it isn't as reliable or as full of ppl as xbox live. Mind you i went from a ps2 and wii to xbox360
ReplyDeleteLet me address this.
ReplyDeleteWho cares about bluray? Probably people that like to see classic movies like The Godfather restored. Or the people that watch films like Wall E and see what an amazing picture it is.
What does WIFI and HD have to do with anything? WIFI has no effect on the picture of your games.
And yeah, true, there are shit loads of more people out there that have 360s than they do PS3s. but there are way more people that own broken down shitty minivans than there is that own Ferraris. (Also Ive never had problems with my internet gaming, or finding people to play with online either.)
Also I would like to point out that EVERY person I know that owns/owned a 360, has had problems with their systems. Red Ring Of Death, or something else going on and have had to have replacements shipped to them.
ReplyDeleteEveryone I know that has a PS3, has only had to buy the PS3 once.
I'm happy that you love your PS3. I'm sure you put a lot of thought into your purchase and picked the machine that best fit your needs and budget. I too put a lot of thought into my purchase and am just as happy. But lets be honest, using the future proof argument to justify the price of the console is kind of lame. As it is now it could use a boost in memory and that's a simple, inexpensive thing that could have been done from the beginning. Instead Sony rolled the dice to promote Blu Ray(which paid off well for them in that respect). The next physical media battle never entered into my decision because IMO streaming is the next evolutionary step in digital media distribution. Just the other day LG just announced a deal with NetFlix that will include a decoder built into their new line of flat screens, just plug it into your router and your good to go. The choices are about to become enormous in the industry and the focus is going to be on storage not physical media. Bottom line I want my console to play games and I was never interested in Blu Ray or HD-DVD for that matter, so I wasn't going to pay for it. If Sony would make a PS3 similar to a MS Arcade (no Blu Ray and a small hard drive) and price it somewhere in the $200-$250 range they would have just as much or more of a market share than MS. I don't even care that much about BC (I still have my PS2). So you can rant and name call all you want, it's not going to change the fact the a lot of people feel the same way I do and it's more Sonys fault then anything MS has done.
ReplyDeletei Hate to say it but... that is dumb. You dont NEED to buy the wifi, you can get hard drives very cheap http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/hddoffer/defaul ...
ReplyDeleteNot real gamers you say??? Because what, resistance is sooo hardcore/easy oh and little big planet is totallly hardcore. They butchered the MGS series iin 4 (i am a huuuge fan of MGS) and they are losing exclusives like crazy (ff13) and dont get the dlc that xbox gets (fallkout 3, gta4). So basically the only thing holding the ps3 together is this half assed attempt at making it sound 'cheaper' and the exclusive titles of LBP (boooring) and MGS4 (rip mgs)???? Yeah it totally owns over the 360.... riiiight.
I do agree with you that halo sux, but resistance is just as bad.
Resistance isn't hardcore. Resistance is easy as fuck. Every single game out these days on any system is easy. They all have infinite lives, continues, check points, auto saves. There is no real challenge left in games anymore.
ReplyDeleteI too was a huge fan of MGS until the fourth one which sucked major fucking balls. MGS isn't even a game, its a fuckin movie that lets you interact with it every once in awhile. GTAIV is a piece of overhyped shit. Like I said in an earlier blog that I don't really feel like digging up and linking to, the Wii has far better games than 360 and PS3. 360 and PS3 rely only on First Person Shooters. I think thats why LBP is so great, is because it's finally something new and fresh and not yet another first person shooter.
And who gives a shit about exclusives? It's the same shit. FIRST, PERSON, SHOOTERS. And yeah, Final Fantasy? Really? That shit was gay on SNES.
You encountered a dragon. What do you want to do?
Uhhhh, I wanna attack this fucker.
You missed.
Fuck Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is for the dungeon and dragon warcraft nerds.
"They love their first person shooters with unlimited lives and nonstop checkpoints, saves, and continues. They never went toe to toe with Mr. Dream back in the day. They don't know the pains of getting to the last level of Double Dragon only to lose and have to start the ENTIRE GAME all over again. REAL gamers play games for the challenge, and the game play, not cause of the pretty graphics and insane storylines."
ReplyDelete"Resistance isn't hardcore. Resistance is easy as fuck. Every single game out these days on any system is easy. They all have infinite lives, continues, check points, auto saves. There is no real challenge left in games anymore."
Way to contradict yourself. I always do love your "LOLZ U SUK CUZ I MAKE STUFF UP N SAY U DO IT ROFLZ" approach.
I said games on 360 suck, and I pretty much said Resistance sucks. How is that contradicting myself?
ReplyDeleteYou're retarded. LOLLERCOASTERZZZ.