Well I just bought a house, and received the keys yesterday so I will be away from the computer till Monday since I'll be moving and unpacking and all that shit. And since I am pretty much the only shmuck around here that writes, I guess this site is going on hiatus till Monday unless someone around here actually picks up the ball and writes some shit.
So as for me, I'll see you people Monday. Oh and don't even ask what the fuck is with the creepy demonic Wilfred Brimley picture. I just think it's funny.
ReplyDeleteWell I was hoping a Villain hiatus would equal a change of pace around here, maybe some Devon posts.....guess not......this is boring.....sucks.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Devons posts were good and i related to them. Hire Devon back people!
ReplyDeleteDevons too busy crying about the banner at the top of the page to write things.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are not serious? Who would even know thats him in the banner, generally speaking....lmao.
ReplyDeleteDevon, why care what 1-2 people tops "bash" you about? Not like its 100 people or something, this sites about humor anyway sometimes, so why not just chalk it up to more humor, and keep on?
ReplyDeleteI agree with above post, who cares? I feel some down to earth posts regulate the usual obnoxious ones here, and anyway, its the internet, not real life, and its all for entertainment. I'm sure i'll get bashed by the obnoxious since the majority of readers prefer that style, but who cares, bash me on the net all you like.
ReplyDeleteGuys, this is exactly what we have been telling Devon for well over a year now. Its the internet, not real life, calm down. But we figured, Devon is one of those "internet life people" where the internet, is their real life. Their MySpace friends are alllllll their real friends, and when something drastic happens in their life, their FIRST thought is OMFG I GOTTA CHANGE MY MYSPACE MOOD!! So weve given up on trying to get him to relax.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I have moved into my house, expect the news and other what nots to be back to normal tomorrow. Sorry for the delay gang.
Or, I'm just not as much of an asshole as you are.
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day you can accept the fact that not everyone has to be fake-macho and rude just to feel good about themselves.
Ok. We will all be like you then. Complete whiney bitches that take everything that complete strangers on the internet say 100% seriously.
ReplyDeleteOkay. Let me know if you need any advice.