Ever since I teased about posting Devons cry baby blog.... which keep in mind... he posted on the internet in the first place. Devon and others have lost their ever lovin MINDS over this. Like this is the worst thing in the world that could possibly happen in their lives.
Seriously people, fuckin relax, get over it. Do you realize how sad and pathetic this is?? This is the kind of world we live in now thanks to the internet.
Kids in schools are KILLING THEMSELVES over what some STRANGER says on the internet about them, and yes, even Devon has threatened suicide.
Grown ass men are KILLING THEMSELVES.... because a STRANGER that pretended to be their girlfriend in WARCRAFT dumped them!
Grown ass men and people on the internet are PISSED and throwing fits because me... a STRANGER to you all, might post a stupid blog.
Now the topic has been spoken about, and something was said about me basically, "Well let's just say Random Villains wife or kid was ill and dying, or did die, and we made fun of it, I'm sure he would act differently about it!"
No, I wouldn't I wouldn't give a FUCK.
Now don't get me wrong, if anything ever happened to my family, or my friends, I would be upset about it. But would I give a flying shit about what a total complete stranger says? Fuck no. They're a stranger. They don't know me. You people don't even know me. I don't give a SHIT about what anyone says about me, or my family, or my friends. I am not that fuckin pathetic.
This is what is happening to the world, and to the economy. People care way too much what others think about them. See if Devon didn't throw such a fuckin hissy fit about this whole thing, and just said, "alright, do whatever, why the fuck would I care?" Then this wouldn't even be a topic, it would be boring if Devon didn't care so much.
This is why people are picked on in the world, and made fun of so much, because people care what others think so god damn much it's turning the world mad. While normal people, like me, who only care about the thoughts of their friends and family, sit and laugh at the "internet life" people, like Devon, and most of you.
Now I will sit here, while you idiots just ramble on about how I am the pathetic one, and not you, and I suck and blah blah blah in the comments. And I will laugh. Because that's all I do. I laugh and have a good time in life. Why sit there and be pissed off over what a stranger says? Its pointless. Just relax, chill, point and laugh at the weaker minded idiots in the world, like I do to you.
And with that, HERE, IS, DEVONS, BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It's Midnight.
Heather's sleeping.
I'm unpacking.
Suddenly, I hear *POP*!
I turn around, and the hot water spout for the washing machine has flown through the air, and the PVC pipe has burst open, and it's shooting scalding hot water 6 feet up in the air.
I panic, wake Heather up, and we figure out that we need to cut off the water at the Hot Water machine.
The valve is rusted in place, and won't budge.
By this point, water has seeped clear out in to the dining room, soaking the carpet. It's making its way in to the hallways, in to Heather's bedroom, and inching towards the living room. We're talking 300-400 gallons of water just emptying in to our apartment.
So quick thinking, I call the rental office, hoping to get an answering machine with a maintenance emergency number on it. It works, and I get him. He comes running over with a huge pair of industrial style pliers and cuts the water off.
So now we have a flooded apartment.
In come the emergency water vacuum guys.
They were here till 2am sucking water out of the floors.
We're almost dry now, but damn... hell of a first night. "
And with that, I leave you all also wondering, what in the fuck a HOT WATER MACHINE is? Which you can discuss...
RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!! IN THE DEVON LOHAN FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDude... lots of people call it a hot water machine. Where does Devon live? I'm in SC and thats all I've ever heard it called.
ReplyDeleteIf you waste your time to read and recite his blog, than ultimately it's Devon who wins, for having you so obsessed with him.
He also wins by having my heart. 4Ever.
ReplyDeleteYes, there are hot water machines. They are used to dispense hot water for soups, and for hot chocolates, and coffees and the such. Usually never ever found in a home.
But to what Devon refers to is what we people that have brain cells and are not from the south call, WATER HEATERS. It is what is usually in the garage, or pantry, and is used to heat the water that goes into your sinks and showers. And which are found in damn near every single home.
I dunno dude, maybe it is the South, but I've never heard of it referred to as anything other than hot water machine. Oh well, nothing worth busting his balls over, but I guess you have nothing better to do. What do the other writers here on have on you that you dont fuck with them I wonder.
ReplyDeleteThe other writers here dont throw fits when I talk shit about them. They laugh and talk shit back and have a grand ol time. Go way back to the potato drop posts.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, the other writers here arent pussies. And can take some ribbing. And shit talking.
Also, use this cool thing called google search. Search Water Heater, and Hot Water Machine. It will blow your mind.
Honestly deep down I think this is just built up aggravation that Devon has for never being able to find the little man in the boat.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I don't call it a Hot Water Machine anymore. I call it a water heater. I have been corrected. Thank You Random Villain! What ever would I do without you to save me from my grammatical errors!!??
ReplyDeleteI'm quite familiar with the little man in the boat.
ReplyDeleteI almost laughed at that comment, but then I remembered how I laughed at Jerry saying it earlier on Big Brother and I didn't think it was as funny now.
Thats what we were waiting on? What happened to his parents hating him and crying and puking or whatever all those stories were. If this was what the hype was about, I agree....
ReplyDeleteL A M E
ReplyDeleteAlso to further correct your grammar. Slander is SPOKEN. And since this is text, there is no slander going on.
ReplyDeleteLibel might be a different story.
Nope, that was a mistake that'll never happen again. I was just agreeing. This ended LAME. You should just post the whole blog.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't exist, but if we add u on myspace we can see it? Hmm, if it doesnt exist, must be a ploy to get more guys on your list.
ReplyDeleteyeah, thats queer.
someone just post the stupid story already.
Holy crap someone with some sense about themselves posts a comment!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, this "feud" was never a feud to me. Devon made it like this. It started with me being bored and ribbin him. Then hes the fat kid on the playground that takes everything seriously, so much that it makes it even more fun to keep poking fun at him.
So when I get bored, I entertain myself by torturing poor ol Devon.
Also as for the blog no longer existing... oh... it exists. On my computer, under the file name Waaahhhhhhh.