Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Leave Britney Spears Alone!

Words completely fail me here. I really just do not know what to say... just watch for yourself....


  1. um....I had NO idea Britney was making ME money...but i need more info. on this so i can collect! If it wasnt for this coked out transvestie, I never would have known! So thank you tranny! And i swear, once i get PAID...i WILL indeed........LEAVE, BRITNEY, ALONNNEE!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lmfao. That kid needs to be tied to a fence and beaten up ala Boys Don't Cry.

  3. You know if Devon lost about 200 pounds, he would look exactly like this guy I bet.

  4. You're such a sad angry fat man. Internet is some serious business huh?

  5. Who's angry? Or sad? Why are you so obsessed with me maaaaan?

  6. well it taks a crackhead to understand a crackheads pain. Britney spears is a human condom and so are the fans that cry for the white whore from Lousiana.....may she die slow...fuck her!!!
