Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ernest Goes To Splash Mountain!

So there is not SHIT to write about lately. The world is boring as fuck. And sure I know there is stuff going on but I just don't give a flyin fuck about it enough to write about it. So I'll give you some Ernest!

I was watching Slam Dunk Ernest last night on Starz Family. And I started doing a little reading up on ol Ernest. I loved me some Ernest Saves Christmas, and Ernest Scared Stupid. So I looked around and stumbled upon a special that Disney made for their grand opening of Splash Mountain, with Ernest checking the new ride out. Enjoy.

If you are wondering what ever happened to Ernest P. Worrell. The man behind Ernest, Jim Varney, died in 2000 from lung cancer. The last completed Ernest movie he made was Ernest In The Army. He was filming Ernest The Pirate when he died and the movie was never finished. Besides Ernest you might also know him as the voice of Slinky Dog from the Toy Story movies. He also played Prince Carlos on my favorite TV show of all time, Roseanne. During his fame, the Make A Wish foundation received several hundred requests for terminally ill children to meet Ernest P. Worrell. Jim Varney went as Ernest and personally met every single kid. All several hundred of them.

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